• Adequate Wages

    Wage agreement agreed between labor and management, respecting the principle of fair wages guaranteed by the constitution arrow_downward Resolving wage disparity, adopting social solidarity wages, and pursuing upward wage convergence
  • Adequate work hours
    Promoting employment expansion, disaster prevention, and higher productivity by shortening work hours, even if it results in less overall wages arrow_downward mproving the quality of life by strengthening labor autonomy, reforming the wage system, expanding flexible work hours, and establishing work-life balance
  • Better relationships between prime and subcontractors
    Realizing fair industrial order by changing the unfair and unequal relationships between prime and subcontractors into reasonable relationships arrow_downward Resolving the technology and workmanship gap between prime and subcontractors , overcoming distortion in the labor market, and promoting mutual growth and win-win cooperation
  • Realization of labor and management responsible administration
    Securing transparency in company management and realizing responsible management according to the agreement between labor and management arrow_downward Boosting a win-win and cooperative partnership based on mutual trust and transparency; introduction of a system of board-level employee representation, etc.
Resolving the high wage problem and labor-management conflicts, faced by the Korean economy → great social compromise + job innovation
To change overseas investment by corporations into domestic investment → creating regional jobs and improving corporate competitiveness